5 Reasons Why Qwick Wick Fire Starters are the Best on the Market

5 Reasons Why Qwick Wick Fire Starters are the Best on the Market

If being immersed in nature is your idea of a perfect weekend getaway, we hear you! We also just happen to have the perfect item for your outdoor arsenal. Whether you’re camping, backpacking, or want to keep your survival kit stocked with the essentials, Qwick Wick fire starters are a must. No kindling or newspaper required. Read on to learn more about why our fire starters are the best on the market to date!

They’re Lightweight

Having items that are easy to carry and stuff in your pack or store away at home is essential. These fire starters are small and light, weighing under three ounces each. So when you’re heading out on a hike or camping adventure, you can easily pack them and go!

You’ll Never Have to Struggle With Kindling Again

If you’re an avid camper, chances are you know just how frustrating it can be at times to find and gather the right kindling to keep your fire burning (especially if it’s been raining). But with your handy Qwick Wick, you can eliminate that hassle altogether. Just throw it in the pit, light it up, and let it burn. Instead of fumbling with the fire, you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy it.

Allows for a 30-Minute Burn Time

Each Quick Wick fire starter is made from a combination of Ontario-sourced wood shavings and soy-based wax. Together, these ingredients create a reliable source of fire with an impressive 30-minute burn time and a consistent high-temperature point. This is incredibly handy, especially if you plan to do a little cooking over the fire.

They’re Guaranteed to Light Your Fire – Even in Wet Weather

When we say these are reliable, we really mean it! When you’re caught in wet weather and need to start a fire, you don’t have to waste time trying to find dry kindling. Your Quick Wick can do the job and will still burn when wet.

They’re Wind-Resistant

These fire starters are even tough against the wind. Say goodbye to worrying about fumbling around and trying to protect your fire on those terribly gusty days — our fire starters can withstand winds up to 50km/hour! That means no more hassle on those breezy days.

Now that you know why Quick Wick fire starters are the best on the market, don’t forget to get yours before your next outdoor adventure — you’ll find that you’ll never want to leave home without them again. Order yours today!